Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Uh oh, Candy wants some candy...

Candy here:

Have I mentioned that my local library is magical?  It is.  It's an absolutely fantastical place where I can drive up to a window, and they will pass me out stacks and stacks of books-- and we DO NOT exchange money!!!  It feels like stealing, but it's entirely legal!  It also helps me get my smut fix without breaking the bank, because let's be honest, most smut is not something you really need to purchase-- it's single-read only material.  If I find something I really like, I'm happy to go out and purchase it.  I love to reread (and I don't understand people who don't!), so I have a huge collection of books.  But there are definitely some things that are not worth the money or the space they take up on my shelves.
Yesterday was one of those magical days when I visited my local library.  The librarian at the drive-thru window scolded me because you're supposed to go inside if you have more than 5 books to pick up; I had about 11.  I didn't know!  (Actually, it makes me feel wonderful to be scolded by a librarian-- I feel like I'm giving them something to do, and as though I've transgressed in such a completely minor way-- it's almost like being tickled!  I love it!)  I got home and realized that I had to crack open one of the super smutty books right away.  I've been on a kick of higher fantasy and scifi, and it's been a few weeks since I sunk my teeth into something that I'd actually be embarrassed to read aloud.

Have you read anything lately that you'd be embarrassed to read aloud?  Or even embarrassed to be seen reading?  I know our topic is usually romance, but I've recently been reading some Patrick Rothfuss (high fantasy-- brilliant author!), and he had an experience worth sharing with you.  He is a big fan of Amber Benson (who formerly played Tara on Buffy the Vampire Slayer and got to make out with Alyson Hannigan...), who apparently became a romance novelist when she grew up.  Hot.  I'm just saying.  Anyway, Amber and Patrick became friends, and at a convention of some kind, they agreed/dared each other to read their respective sex scenes aloud.  I guess Patrick hadn't read Amber's book, and hadn't realized how explicit her content was before volunteering to be the male half of her dialgog... Hilarious hijinks ensue!  Watch the video here on Patrick's blog (just scroll down a little) -- I was practically weeping with laughter.

Enjoy, chicklits!!!  Have a great week!  :)

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